
by Moonbeast <precocious(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 07 Feb 1999 19:07:41 -0500
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi!  I'd like a critique of the following site, please:

	Title:  Precocious*
	Rating:  PG-17
	Extras:  Use of JavaScript and Macromedia Flash.
	Disclaimer:  Although there is a counter on this site, it's purpose is
		      for when the site is functional.  I'm not going after
		      page hits, or attempting to advertise anything.  I'd just
		      like an honest critique from a varied audience.

I'm looking for specific information, such as how the JavaScript handles in
different browsers, if the page loaded fast or slow, any broken image links
I might have missed, if the colors contrast and blend nicely.  Go ahead, be
cruel.  I can take it!

I'm not worried about the content, so much as the layout and design.  I'm
practicing effective use of tables, so if there are suggestions as to how
better accomplish this (if I haven't), I'd be grateful!

Thanks in advance,
The Moonbeast formerly known as Elysia

"Girls, you've got to know, when it's time to turn the page,
 when you're only wet...because of the rain."
			-- Tori Amos
[- Precocious -]  [- -]

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