Commercial site:

by unity(at)

 Date:  Fri, 12 Feb 1999 18:52:11 -0800
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Dear list,

I am a long time lurker who has picked up many suggestions from this list
(thank you). I have now built up my page and my courage for critique. is the electronic version of the Roller
Warehouse catalog.  Average customer is 13 year old male aggressive skater.
 We are in sort of a niche market and there are only 3 or 4 other competing
commercial sites but 100's of private sites made by kids.  

The index page is LARGE, however, my hope is that some of the graphics will
load quickly enough to grab the attention of these kids.  Please let me
know what you think of this idea.

I would also like some ideas for the layout on the product search page.
I'm not really happy with the way that it flows.

I have written for 800x600 and have had very few complaints.  According to
WebTrends reports, more than 85% of the customers are viewing at least 2
pages.  I'm sure we are losing a lot of recreation skaters and hockey
players since we really don't cater to those markets.

Thanks in advance to all that reply!

Rick Davis

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