first paid site!!!!

by C and P <enigma(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 18 Dec 1998 08:00:23 -0500
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all

I have just completed (except for filling in a few alt tags, width height
tags etc) my first ever contracted, PAID site.  YAY!  It is for a singles
dating service, based here in Toronto.  To test it I have put it onto a
xoom account:

Would some of you be so kind as to take a look and tell me what you see?
How is the layout?  Navigation?  DL time?  Design?  etc etc.  Please
include all your specs. :)

All the graphics, except the main logo, were provided via mac disks (I use
a PC grrrr) in black and white .eps format.  They were all very large, some
around 20 MB, so I have had to resize and retouch most of them.  I couldn't
handle the black and white so I have coloured them all.  Please tell me
what you think of this...  black and white is ok, but there is just too
many of them... what do you think?

Another thing I could use some info on is time.  It took me approx. 30hrs
from when I got the disks and hardcopy to where I am now.  Do you think
this is an acceptable time frame for the results?  I had to make a few
graphics, basically anything that isnt a photo or a cartoon, and had to
retouch the rest.  I have a few more contracts lined up for January... I
want to start to prepare quotes but the time frame for a site is what I
have trouble with...

Ok that's it,

thanks guys!

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