Re: New Site Up

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 07 Jul 2000 21:26:00 +0930
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
 In-Reply-To:  home
  todo: View Thread, Original

Eric hi....

Nice color scheme
Loads quickly

The green background of your various graphics is rendering lighter than the
main background. It's possible that if you were to save them as jpgs rather
than gifs, it might fix the problem although as a .bmp, that logo looks
pretty terrible optimized as a .jpg.  But, as it is, they detract from the
overall appearance. 

None of the icons appear in the left frame in Netscape Communicator 4.7 and
the frame is not visible - they're fine in IE5 and the frame border is visible.

The right hand frame is kinda "empty" looking and I think the centerpiece
could be reduced considerably without losing the message, and raising the
text info, would fill it up a bit. Your left hand frame looks "full" by
comparison and it makes the whole page unbalanced.

I have to say, that I'm not really sure about that "logo" in the left
frame. It doesn't convey a message of any sort...I know what the half maple
leaf is, but that's where it ends :) ... to someone that knows nothing
about baseball, it kinda leaves a "headscratching impression"
is that ?  Perhaps you could add some text to it as an identifier. 

I'm not a fan of frames, but *shrug* ..if that's the way you want to go,
then that's fine....personally, I would be taking the whole thing and
arranging it into a nice compact table that lets the user know right up
front, who you are, what you do, and things of interest without having to
scroll up and down in two separate frames. What would be really neat, would
be to make the "playing field"  the jumping off point to all the other
pages with nice crisp buttons to each area.

I like the maple leaf buttons..a little large perhaps..but again, that's a
matter of choice. I assume (not always a smart thing to do and baseball
iggorant Aussie here) that they're small pitches.

The pics throughout the rest of the site are really nice and crisp...good job.

Lots of good information and I don't mean to be rude, but did you get the
number of the truck that ran over that baseball bat...the poor thing looks
a tad flattened. 

I didn't proof every page, but just as I was about to say how wonderful!!!
no spelling errors on that front page..oops!!!

"Read experts from newsletters, the rules, and how to apply to host the

I think you mean..."Read excerpts"

The basic idea is good and there is a lot of good information
just needs pulling together and tidying up.

Viewed in: Netscape Communicator 4.7 and IE 5.0
Resolution: 640x800
Connect speed: Pretend 56K...LOL...Hey I'm in Australia using an American
modem...the phone lines and my ISP  hate me :) 



At 01:11 AM 01/02/1996 , Eric Madej wrote:
>I just finished the second draft of a customers web site. Could you please
>look it over and leave me any comments on anything you can think of. All
>comments would be greatly appreciated.
>Eric Madej

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