Re: critique commercial site please

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 24 Oct 2000 08:26:16 -0500
 To:  "Peter Cutler" <pcs(at)>,
"hwg-critique" <hwg-critique(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  uyp54
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Peter,

800x600, Win95, 15-inch monitor, 26k (not a good day today).

The main graphic took awhile to load due to the slow speed. I also see 
where you advise viewers to use 800x600 and 16 bit high color. That notice 
has fallen out of favor, particularly with commercial sites, since you are 
telling people with other configurations to not bother seeing the site.

The navigation also needs some work. That large graphic is a link, but I 
didn't find it right away, I watched the truck move and I tried to click on 
your check points, but until I accidentally moved my mouse the right way, I 
thought this was the only page you had. Also, more and more people are 
getting away from clip art in favor of actual photos. It would not only be 
a better picture (yes, pun intended) of your business, but would also give 
new viewers an idea of who they will be working with when they do call for 
an order.

I found the *about us* page and it too is taking a very long time to load. 
I tried running the page through (or maybe 
bobby), a web accessibility tool that also gives approximate download times 
for a 28,800 modem. The site is currrently unavailable, but you may want to 
check it later for times.

One other note, the Service is our Business line is underlined. On the web 
most people will see underlining and assume it's a link.

The delivery truck is a nice touch and the background is a nice touch. The 
green text on the beige background is very easy to read. The bold, italic 
Arial font is a little harder to read on my end.


At 12:38 PM 10/23/00 -0700, Peter Cutler wrote:
>Dear Group,
>Am asking for a critique of a commercial site I collaborated on....
>Seeking feedback on layout, navigability, browser compatibility.
>Any form testing.... please use 'TEST' as the subject.

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