Re: critique

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 22 Oct 2000 21:25:59 +0930
 To:  John Starkey <jstarkey(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi John...

I just took a quick trip around your site and overall it's very nice. I 
took my friend MzSpellchecker with me...just in case :)

White text on a black background is pretty much a no-no, because it's such 
a strain on the eyes and whilst I had no problem reading it to begin with, 
I must admit to having spots in front of my eyes by the time I had finished 
and I found that after quickly visiting all the different links, I just 
didn't want to read the became all too hard.

You have a problem with your table, which I didn't investigate, but you 
need to fix that horizontal scrolling.

In the paragraph "The Web" on the main page:

<quote> "No longer will immaculate design "comprimise" your viewer's 
sanity"</quote> ....that should be "compromise".

I like the graphic of the looks really good on the black 

On the "graphics.html" page. "We consist of many designers, in many walks 
of life, etc.." could be worded a little better. How about...."Our team 
consists of many designers, from many walks of life" ?
Or..."We have a great crew/group of designers from...etc" ?

On the "audio.html" page:  "Today's web is changing rapidly from the 
"silent film" that it at has been in all but the rarest occasions, to the 
new multimedia platform of choice.

I think you need to delete the word "at" read.."that it has 
been"...and it should be "on" all but the rarest occasions...etc"....or, 
"in" all but the rarest of *situations*...take your pick :)

On the "linux.html" page, again you might want to even up the spacing 
between the graphics, they're kinda all over the place at the moment.

My overall feeling is that you're off to a good start. I know that you said 
the logo is temporary but if you were to make sure that the final logo is a 
lot smaller, that would give you the room to tighten the whole thing up and 
eliminate some of those "gaps" and give the site more continuity.



At 08:29 PM 16/10/2000 -0600, John Starkey wrote:
>Hello all. This is my first critique request to the group. I'm working on
>a startup design/hosting biz and am burnt on the home page. Just moved my
>server to a new locale w/ more bandwidth and setting up backends for a
>couple sites. Now I'm trying to get back to this site (my site).
>Anyone care to comment on the home page??
>I have someone working on the logo, this was just my "outta-necessity"
>I'm having a hard time looking at it objectively at the moment.
>Was wondering if anyone could offer some ideas. I started out with the
>section headers and worked my way out and now I feel like they gotta go
>or everything else has to change. Also I wonder if the excessive gray
>is too excessive :}

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