Re: Anniemation Address

by HaleCreations(at)

 Date:  Tue, 29 Feb 2000 08:29:33 EST
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I realize now I was in error and I apologize, I can't see what the URL is for 
the frame holding the navigation buttons.  It looks to be one page, but 
everything on that one frame is packed so tightly that it's hard to tell.  

The nested frames is a nice effect, but if you're only going to have straight 
black, it seems like a practice in futility.  You worked hard on it I'm sure, 
but it still looks like a black webpage and not much more.  I wouldn't have 
even noticed the frames on the right and bottom but it loaded slowly once. At 
first I thought the bottom.htm was a frame below only the navigation bar, now 
I see it goes all the way across and I didn't realize it before. The first 
couple of times it loaded so fast and perfectly that it loaded like ONE page 
with the acception of the navigation bar.  You don't want people noticing 
what you did because of a slow load occurring, I'm sure.  It seems like a 
waste of space to me and the area that you want to be the center frame can 
easily acheive the same effect with a table.  A lot of work but it doesn't 
seem to yield much.  If you wanted to create a design in it to make it all 
look like pieces of a puzzle that fit together to create one big concept, 
that's one thing, but to just make it all black seems like a lot of wasted 
effort.  I could be wrong, that's just IMHO.  

At the same time, if this were a nested frameset made to look like all the 
pieces created one big picture, I'd have to say it all lines up great. The 
real trick will be when you do this at a time when you are working with 
something more than just black background.  Looking at black, it took me a 
few times to realize exactly what I was looking out and I spoke out of turn 
apparently, I ask you to forgive me for that.  I only spoke up because I saw 
that link wasn't going to a target.  

::ducking my head now and feeling like a fool::

Betsy Hale

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