Re: Critique Request:

by Shdowrks(at)

 Date:  Thu, 17 Dec 1998 03:40:07 EST
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
 Cc:  kynn(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original


Very extensive site, lots of spread out information. Navigation will be very
important on this site.
I followed a few paths to see how easy it was to get around, and only spotted
a couple of glitches:

On the page; indextext.html
There is the text "< ./TABLE>" printed in the top left corner of the page. (I
saw this in Netscape 4.3, but not MSIE3.2)
In your HTML for that page, near the bottom of the document you have:

Looking through the HTML, there is one too many /table tags. Remove:

and this should disappear.

On the page; /HMC%20Quick%20Facts.html
Middle of page:
College Relations [Home] Harvey Mudd College [Home] 
The second [Home] was not actively linked. 

This set of links:
College Relations [Home] Harvey Mudd College [Home] 
would have been useful on the /indextext.html page. Had to scroll way back up
to the top to click anywhere. That set of links should be used liberally
throughout the whole site. 

The graphics looked nice, the colors all "worked". The letters for the word
"college" in the logo were a little "pixelated" on close inspection. Try
creating this image without "anti-aliasing" the text, and without any shadow
effects, so there is no dithering. Or you could just zoom in on the image and
clean up the stray pixels - ::ahem.:: of course this is just what I might do
if I were working on the project. Merely suggestions.

I agree with a previous response, regarding the animated "HMC Headlines".  It
draws the eye away from everything else on the page. Possibly moving it down
toward the bottom left of the page, under "future watch" link. 
It is a well done image, but it is taking priority on the page.

On the first page, the link "Instant Info" was a little confusing. I was
expecting some sort of information page, but it was labled "guestbook".  You
might try seperating these two aspects of the form. A "request for
information" form at the top, "guestbook" type questions at the bottom.  
I guess if I were requesting information, I wouldn't want anything I'd written
displayed on some "guestbook entry" page.  That was just an impression I got.

For such a large site, these "glitches" I've mentioned are minimal. Overall,
very good job. 
My main suggestion would be to liberally use consistant navigation to keep
such a large site tied together from every angle.


...bang on the left side of your computer
to restart Windows.

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