Re: Critique of NPO - (image flicker)

by Shdowrks(at)

 Date:  Tue, 13 Oct 1998 03:28:03 EDT
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
From:  mjewell
>>>have the icons closer together so that the
original picture with the two fencers doesn't reappear when you move from
one to another ...[the] picture flickers<<<

From:	brianj
>>>> leave off the "off" state so that it doesn't
flip "back" the previous image.<<<<

If you did not move from one icon to the other, but to another area of the
page, the image of the fencers would not reappear. This seems to be the
primary image wanted on the page (either by webmaster or client). 
Moving the icons closer together or farther apart would at least cut down on
the "flicker" of the image, depending on how fast the user moves the curser
from icon to icon. 
Some of the excess background of the icon images could be cropped off, in a
sense making the icons farther apart.

Thinking out loud...

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