Re: take a look

by CharlesMTF <CharlesMTF(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 30 Mar 1998 06:38:21 EST
 To:  Gltbeach(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
In a message dated 3/29/98 8:24:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, Gltbeach(at)

> Could you please take a look at my page and give me feedback, comments,
>  suggestions and all.  I am particularly interested in knowing if the gif on
>  the opening page is is not 100% yet but are they ever.


First, the gif is centered properly! At least it is in Netscape 3 and 4 and in
Internet Explorer 3.

I personally don't like intro pages where you have to click to enter, but see
what everyone alse thinks. That's just me. The first page said that it would
advance to the next page in a moment, but that moment is a pretty long time,
considering that it has to first finish loading up the whole page first. And
the gif is (I believe) 341 kb in size, which is a pretty large file for the
gif that I was looking at.

Also, I noticed that you reduced the size of the gif using the height and
width attribute. For your own info and purposes, just remember that if you
reduce the visible size of an image using these attributes, the pages still
loads the original large size, which sort of defeats the purpose that most
people have for wanting to make an image smaller (reducing load time). You
might want to consider purchasing or downloading an a graphics program that
will allow you to reduce the size of the image. Paint Shop Pro is good and you
can get it as a free shareware to try out at all the popular download sites.
I'm sure others on this list can guide you to a good FREE program that does

---Charles Ippolito

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