Re: Candidates representing me

by "S Ross" <sross(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:49:13 -0500
 To:  <hwg-elections(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

>At 02:54 PM 1/12/98 -0800, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>>Kynn writes: The Guild is not run as a representative democracy, and you
>>are voting for someone to lead the Guild, not someone to represent you.
>That's as may be, Kynn, but it still stands that the GB members DO
>represent us. No way out of that.

No, the GB doesn't represent the membership, they RUN the guild.  No way out
of that.

>I still say that GB members have to remember that they are governing a
>Guild made up of many different peoples. And how they present themselves to
>us & others does matter. And why can't I say that? Just my humble opinion.

You can say that, but it still should have  no bearing on the election of a
GB'er, they only ring the Guild, they don't represent the membership.

Jimmie's religious beliefs offends you.  You are entitled to you beliefs, as
is Jimmie.  I'd no more consider telling you your faith offends me anymore
than I would tell Jimmie, or anyone else.  Did you ever point it out to him
previously? He's used that sig for a long time when replying on the lists.
If not, why not?  Why do so now?  His personal belief system no bearing on
his ability to to be a productive member of the GB.

S Ross
Affordable Site Design and Hosting
He who really wants to do something, finds a way;
He who doesn't; finds an excuse.

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