Re: CLOSURE: Campaigning is Now Over.

by "Cindy Svec" <cindy(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 8 Feb 1998 21:47:55 -0500
 To:  hwg-elections(at),
Allen Gould <agould(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  ab
  todo: View Thread, Original

I just wanted to thank Allen and the rest of the Nominations 
Committee for handling the (sometimes) tedious and (occasionally) 
annoying and often entertaining process of the first election in HWG.

Congratulations folks on not losing your tempers and providing a 
forum for discussion with explanations as were needed. 

Also, I'd like to compliment Allen on the post below - left undeleted
as perhaps a few folks haven't read it yet... ;-) It was well-put. :)


On  8 Feb 98 at 14:53, Allen Gould wrote:

-> As I see that it is 2pm Sunday, we should be seeing a nice lack of posting
-> on -elections.
-> 1. "But I wanna say one more thing." - Sorry. In order to allow people to
-> take a moment to think about things without people mumbling in their ear,
-> no more campaigning is allowed (by *anyone*). (Think of this like standing
-> in the booth, pondering)
-> 2. "But I need to know how.." - Please write the Nomination Committee at
-> <hwg-nominations(at)> for any problems regarding voting - that's what
-> we're here for. 
-> 3. "So-and-so.." - Again, write the Nomination Committee. We're the blokes
-> in charge of complaints about conduct, so tell us.
-> Please note that -elections will remain open. After the 19th, we invite
-> you to discuss the election (what went wrong, what went right, what should
-> be changed). But between now and then, there should be near-zero traffic
-> on -elections.
-> Offenders will be dealt with as deemed appropriate.
-> And remember folks, vote early, vote often (but not too often.)
-> Allen Gould
-> Chair, Nomination Committee.
Cindy Svec  <cindy(at)>         
Relevant Arts Enterprise, Inc.   
Design Solutions for the Web and Print 

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