ANNOUNCEMENT: 1998 Governing Board Election Results

by Kynn Bartlett <kynn(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:14:44 -0800
 To:  hwg-elections(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
On Thursday, February 19, 1998, the Guild held its annual
meeting via IRC, for the purposes of electing who would
fill the three seats on the Governing Board that became
empty as of the meeting.


Ten HWG members had offered their names as candidates:

  Frederick J. Barnett        Tarik Dozier
  Susan Duncan                Peter Knaggs
  Demitrius Lopez             Jimmie McWhirt
  Johnny Mo                   Gerald Oskoboiny
  Tanya Spain                 Richard Tuttle

The nominations and statements of candidates were collected
by the Nomination Committee, consisting of:

  Allen Gould, chair
  Nancy Coulter
  Leanne Phillips
  Shelly Ross

HWG members at the "plus" level of membership, as of January
31, 1998, were eligible to vote.  Proxies were registered via
the web and collected by the Nomination Committee, to be
presented to the Secretary at the February 19 meeting.


The bylaws require that for the meeting to convene, and a vote
to be held, at least 10% of the Guild's voting membership must
be "present", whether via IRC at the meeting, or by pre-registered
proxy votes.  As of January 31, the Guild had 877 "plus" level
members; thus 10% equals 88 votes.

Present at the February 19 meeting were:

     58 pre-registered proxy votes
      0 additional plus members who had not registered a proxy vote

Failing to achieve the necessary 10% quorum, the meeting was
unable to convene for the purpose of electing Board members.

Without the necessary number of votes being cast in this election
to achieve quorum, the election is invalid.


Acting on advice from the Guild's lawyer, the Governing Board
will be appointing individuals to the positions on the Board that
have been left empty due to the invalidation of the membership

The Board has examined the proxy votes that were gathered for
the election, and have included them as one factor, but not the
only one, in determining who to appoint to the empty Board seats.
The Guild will not be releasing the subtotals of the proxy


The Governing Board has voted to appoint the following individuals
to the terms expiring in February, 2001:

* Gerald Oskoboiny
* Frederick J. Barnett

The Guild has not yet reached a decision on who shall fill the
third empty seat on the Governing Board.


The Governing Board wishes to acknowledge and thank the following
individuals for helping to make this first membership election

* The candidates, for offering to serve on the Board
* The Nomination Committee, for their excellent work in organizing
  the collection of nominations and administration of the
  hwg-elections list and elections web page
* Rich Bowen, for his donation of time and expertise in coding the
  voting scripts, and donation of server facilities for hosting
  those scripts
* The 58 "plus" members who cast proxy votes in this election

--Kynn Bartlett
  President, HTML Writers Guild

Kynn Bartlett <kynn(at)>
President, HTML Writers Guild

HWG: hwg-elections mailing list archives, maintained by Webmasters @ IWA