Re: Voting

by tcspain(at) (TANYA SPAIN)

 Date:  Fri, 6 Feb 1998 14:52:29 -0500
 To:  hwg-elections(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Tanya asked:
>> I don't see how bringing this up before the campaigning would help the
>> voting membership know what the GBers see as missing (or not missing) from
>> the current make-up of members. Can you clarify?

 Kynn responded:
>Well, are you asking, "Please tell me what you see as lacking, so
>that I can position myself as 'the person who fills all those

Absolutely not. I'm sorry to see that you could read it that way.

That was _not_ my intention for the question:
> Out of curiosity, what do the current GB members see as "lacking" from the
> skillsets currently on the Board? For example, do you see that more "legal
> savvy" people are needed, more "creative problem solving" or  more
> "managerial" types are necessary? Or, do you think that there really are no
> gaps in skillsets?

Kynn also wrote:
>Why not state what skills _you_ have, and convince us (the voters)
>that they're needed, rather than asking us what we'd like you to

I, as you know, have already done this. I have provided my qualifications
and visions for the Guild, which are listed on the HWG web page. I have
also eagerly and openly shared my  ideas and perspectives on the many
issues presented here on the -elections list. I think the people
participating up to this point probably have a good idea about what I am
about. If you say you need a good accountant, they will know that voting
for me would not help the GB to fill that void.

Again, my reason for asking was to possibly assist the voters. I think it
could provide the voters with another issue upon which to base their votes.

Tanya Spain

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