Re: more IRC questions

by tcspain(at) (TANYA SPAIN)

 Date:  Thu, 5 Feb 1998 15:39:36 -0500
 To:  hwg-elections(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Ann wrote:
>What part of the logged conversation is difficult to understand?

As I mentioned in my first question, the part that is unclear to me, after
reading the logged discussion, is exactly which candidate's and comments
have lead to to state that you:

"find it rather incredulous that those who have been candidates for over a
month now, still have little to no basic working knowledge of the body
they're trying to join."

Ann, you also wrote:
>I think I made my position crystal clear that night.

Your position is clear.

Your answer to my question is not clear in the logged discussion. So, maybe
my question is unclear. I'll rephrase it:

I read your comment as refering to ALL of the candidates, not just those
involved in that particular IRC discussion. If that is the case, can you
please tell me which comments by the candidates have lead you to your
conclusion? If you are not referring to "all" of the candidates, then, are
you only referring to the candidates in that particular IRC session?

I hope this clarifies my question.

Tanya Spain

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