RE: Q to Peter, Richard, Ed, Johnny, Tanya

by tcspain(at) (TANYA SPAIN)

 Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 1998 15:55:20 -0500
 To:  hwg-elections(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

I agree with your position. I think voting such as this is a difficult
situation. What would it take to convince you that a candidate has brains
and is willing to work? What would you need to discuss with a candidate or
see to help you in making your decision?


>I get the impression that the person feels that the job requires no brains
>or work.
>In this case, I know that many of the GBs do A LOT of work and I'd just
>like to be
>sure that the nominees can handle that.
>Bart Szyszka                 ICQ: 4982727
>B Grafyx "We Make Bee-utiful Graphics"

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