Fireworks2 (was Trial Programs)

by Reywob(at)

 Date:  Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:31:07 EDT
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi group,

Thanks for your feedback.  I'll have a hack in the registry once I've got the 
confidence, but meanwhile, perhaps someone could answer at least some of the 
following questions!

1. Fireworks is always billed as good for creating "web graphics".  What 
exactly is included in that term?

2. Is FW2 any good for photo editing?  I only need basic (PSP5) type tools, 
and the results will generally be used on the web, but occasionally I'll want 
to print them onto photo paper using my Inkjet printer.  Will I find myself 
needing PSP to do some things?  Would PSP6 do instead of FW2?

3.  How does PSP6 compare to FW2?

4. Can anyone point me towards a site which shows what can be achieved using 
FW?  IMO, the one thing the Macromedia website lacks is a portfolio of art 
produced using their products, showing what could be achieved.  To see what I 
mean, have a look at  (Information -> Gallery).  
Their gallery nearly tempted me to buy their WebFX 2000 - until I tried it 

I like FW because of all its web features, its superb optimisation tools, its 
integration with Dreamweaver (hooked on it after my 30 day trial) and the way 
it supports PNG.  However I don't really want to have to buy another graphics 
program as well if I can help it.

Thanks to you all!
PJ Designs - once I've got the software!

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