RE: More Microsoft problems

by "Eric J Hoffman" <ehoffman(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 9 Nov 1998 12:37:50 -0600
 To:  "Steve Ridder" <saridder(at)>,
"Chuck Pratt" <cops(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  mediaone
  todo: View Thread, Original
While not the biggest Micosoft fan in the word, it truly galls me that
someone blames Microsoft for not being able to know how to Save As... HTML
file type.  It's time people take responsibility on their own...I hear 150
people blame Microsoft all day, when they simply fail to understand a basic
function like like saving or Edit..>Select All.  If you use a Mac or PC, you
should understand the basics before bashing the manufacturer.  Now, when
Microsoft or Apple truly drops the bone...that's different.

And this is in no way a commentary on your situation, Chuck, as you may have
a trial version or not have the full product.  I just wanted vent that
little bit of frustration.

Eric J Hoffman
Director of Internet Initiatives
Meagher & Geer, PLLP

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-graphics(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-graphics(at)]On
Behalf Of Steve Ridder
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 1998 12:12 PM
To: Chuck Pratt; hwg-graphics(at)
Subject: Re: More Microsoft problems

If you have the actual program, ether Pub 97 or 98, then there is an option
to save as HTML.  Otherwise it would be impossible.  Check Microsoft for a
free trial if you don't have it.

Steven Ridder
Intermax Media, Inc.

CD-ROM Business Cards
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Pratt <cops(at)>
To: hwg-graphics(at) <hwg-graphics(at)>
Date: Thursday, November 05, 1998 11:42 AM
Subject: More Microsoft problems

>My first try on this line and it's a relly simple seeming question,
>but--while seeming stupid--I need the answer to a question.
>Is there any known way to convert a Microsoft Publisher 97 file to an
>HTML file?
>I have received a site done in Publisher 97 and need to convert it for
>use with Netscape Composer, Word, Arachnophilia or some other HTML
>Any suggestions most appreciated.
>Chuck Pratt
>The Web Doctor

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