RE: Trying for lemonade

by "Shay Jones" <shay(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 6 Jun 1999 18:22:03 -0500
 To:  "Hwg-Graphics" <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  earthlink
  todo: View Thread, Original

Okay, I'm not around as much as I used to be (school keeps me too busy), but
I still monitor things from time to time in order to stay in touch with
what's happening on the board.  Since we're all putting in our two-cents
worth of skills and backgrounds, I figured it was about time I chimed in and
laid my vitae on the line.

I'm 46 years old with 20 years of computer background.  While I've done a
lot of network design and graphical network drawings, I've never been very
good with graphics until I discovered computer graphics.  Now I find I enjoy
creating the graphics for the web as well as for my own art interest.  I
started out drawing for a local newsletter, oh probably 6 years ago, using
Microsoft Paintbrush.  When the internet really came to fruition I picked up
a handy package for converting my graphics to the web - Paint Shop Pro
Version 3.1 (I now have Version 5).  This worked for a while until I really
wanted to start developing my graphics further.  I then picked up Photoshop
and Illustrator.  I now have a pretty broad collection of art packages -
most from Macromedia and Adobe - that I switch back and forth from.  I've
tried 3D packages, but I keep going back to Pov-Ray because I like the text
interface (old-time DOS Man, you know).  I'm pretty proficient with most of
the packages, but I still learn new techniques from time to time, thanks to
this list.

I'm no longer in the computer industry.  I traded in my tool bag for a
backpack and I'm now a full time student at the University of Houston
working on a degree in Archaeology, Anthropology, and Geology - I know, a
weird change from the Computer Industry, but when you're burned out, you're
burned out!


Bare Tranquility Web Design / Shay
shay(at)   /  shay(at)  /  shay(at)
Member of the HTML Writer's Guild

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