RE: Universal Browser

by tariqs(at) (Sherif Muhammad Tariq)

 Date:  Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:01:24 -0500
 To:  "HWG Graphics Posting" <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  suite224
  todo: View Thread, Original
"Somebody wrote in the other day asking if there was such a thing as a
browser emulator."
"Browserola ... It can simulate a number of versions
of IE and Netscape, although it only goes up to 4.0."

Browserola doesn't properly simulate Netscape 3.0 and above. I tried
Browserola on my company's corporate website, which uses Javascript
rollovers and DHTML. When I view the page using the actual Netscape
Navigator 3.0 browser, the image rollovers work properly but the layers
don't work (obviously, since NS 3.0 doesn't support layers). When I view the
page in Netscape Navigator 4.0 browser, *both* rollovers and layers *display

However, when I tried to _emulate_ Netscape 3.0 using Browserola, the
rollovers were _not_ working. Browserola also showed Netscape 4.0 as having
the same problems! And this, despite the fact that both browsers support
image rollovers, and the latter supports layers!

It seems like the application is designed to make Internet Explorer look
good, at the behest of Netscape. I don't recommend using it, except
_perhaps_ to test compatibility with IE3.

Sherif Tariq

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