hwg-graphics archives | Jul 2001 | new search | results | previous | next |
image problemby "Jami" <designsbydusty(at)tiadon.com> |
Hello........ I'm having a problem with a composite image I created using Paint Shop Pro 7. What I've done is take the head from one picture and the body from another and combine them, using layers. Then I used the airbrush to adjust the hair so that the pictures match. Now, to me the hair on the original picture looks black, as does the additional hair added with the airbrush. However, the person I did the picture for swears that the hair is more of an auburn shade and that the airbrushed hair looks black. For the life of me, I can't see the difference. Could someone please look at this picture and tell me what I'm doing wrong? http://www.geocities.com/ussknight4141/test.html Thanks, Dusty
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