hwg-graphics archives | May 1999 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: Michael Abramovich responseby "Paul Stevenson" <p.stevenson(at)virgin.net> |
Please can those that wish to do so, continue your personal feud amongst your selves and not post your arguements to the hwglist. You are cluttering up my inbox. Listmaster, please acknowledge. TIA, Paul Stevenson Inside leg: 31" -----Original Message----- From: Steven Stanfield <stanfield40(at)hotmail.com> To: hwg-graphics(at)hwg.org <hwg-graphics(at)hwg.org> Date: 20 May 1999 22:56 Subject: Re: Michael Abramovich response >Sounds like Michael has an ego problem.... > >Do we respond to all suggestions in this manner? Sounds more like cruel >sarcasm than constructive criticism. Come on, teach us Great >Guru!! I'm waiting for more words of wisdom...
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