Re: FLASH Dance

by "Travis Wall" <wallt(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 12 Mar 1999 08:02:16 -0700
 To:  "HWG Graphics" <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>FLASH ... (yes, that again) ... why hasn't it taken off better than it has
>thus far?  It has been around long enough now but I haven't seen much
>among its use with designers and the Net is void of many sites using it.
>not one to fork out the bucks for a program w/o knowing what it's going to
>do for my business and my clientele. To date I don't see the advantage of
>using it and its popularity is low.

    Platform compatibility, its irritating writing
    pages for a flash/non-flash site. And most
    people don't want to be bothered building a
    page which degrades well. However, there's
    more of it than you think. A day of real surfing
    (that's when I'm out for a gander rather than
    out for a specific wad of info) doesn't go by
    without me seeing flash somewhere.

>A few months ago I tried out the trial version and was impressed with
>a lot of things about it. I thought about taking classes to become
>proficient in its use. However, I decided to step back and watch its
>impact over the next coming months. Well, I'm here to say I haven't
>seen much growth over the last couple of months and am wondering

    You haven't been looking in the right places.

>So, tell me Collective, is FLASH headed for stardom or the cyberdump? Do
>think it's "hot" or "hype" and why. What is YOUR opinion about why it has
>been so dormant with growth next to none?

    Its neither, it's been around too long to be a
    trend or dying dream. I disagree with the
    growth being nil, but it does take a bit to find.
    And it appears this way because of platform
    issues, and quite frankly I don't like most of
    the stuff that's made from it (far [far] too clean).
    However look carefully at some of the more
    interesting menu mouseover effects you see,
    they could be flash.


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