Re: Sale of Graphics

by "Lonna Poland" <lonna(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 28 Feb 1999 12:00:07 -0600
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>The individuals want me to make them an animated graphic that ONLY they
>will have the right to use.  I assumed that meant that they had to buy the

The only example I can think of was when I worked as Executive Asst. for
Stan Lee, the creator of Spiderman, at Marvel Productions.  In every
instance in the comic book and television animation industry, the artists
signed contracts with Marvel to work for them, at specified fees, but Marvel
always retained total copyright to the characters created.  Even Stan Lee
himself doesn't carry the copyright to Spiderman.... Marvel does.

Having said that, it is my understanding that the artist has the copyright
to his creation unless he signs a contract with the company he is creating
for that says that company will have sole right for the things he creates
for them.


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