Re: PSP5 reducing .gif colour depth

by "Michael Gerholdt" <gerholdt(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 9 Apr 1999 14:29:20 -0400
 To:  "Aidan Whitehall" <aidan(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Here's what I do:

If I want two particular colors to remain web-safe as you describe, but
there are gradients between them, I find an area in the gif which is a
chunk of white (which I wish to remain 255/255/255 and not something
close). I then put a small line of my chosen websafe color such as
#669966. Then 'select' that small chunk of the image which has only
those two colors.

When reducing to 16 colors, use the 'boost colors' option set high.

This, combined with the 'optimized octree' (I think that's the one)
setting usually preserves the colors in websafe fashion.

Then edit out the line you put there and save away.


>Ummmm.... and does anyone know how to reduce the colour depth of an
>in PSP5 (to save it as a .gif) and still preserve the 1 or 2 dominant
>colours in an image as "web-friendly" when saving as something *other*
>than 16 or 256 cols ?

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