Re: Question on rollovers

by "Mike Taylor" <lonewolf(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 28 Jan 1999 21:54:48 -0500
 To:  <dancingelk(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

----Original Message-----
From: dancingelk(at)

>I am currently tinkering with rollovers also.
>Like The Ely Designs site I was wondering how I would get the co-ordinates
>to tell it where i want the rollover to show up...

When you use JavaScript (or most any language) for mouseover effects, what
you need to do is assign each image a variable.  Say you wanted a button
graphic to light up when a user moves his mouse over it, and also have a
section off to the side flash a graphic.  You would need to set a variable
for all three images:  your mouse "on" graphic; your mouse "off" graphic;
and your side graphic.

Once you have the variables identified, you then need to assign a function
for those variables.  In other words, you need to tell the computer what to
do with your three graphics.  However, you don't necessarily need to define

Finally, you identify that function in your <a href=> tag.  Depending on how
you set up your function, this tag would include information on what three
images will be activated once you move the mouse over that area of your

One of the best online tutorials of javascript mouseovers is located at

Bookmark that website because you will find yourself returning to it
frequently for quick references.

>Is there a software program that helps design
>this craziness to make it easier?.

Yes!  There's a new software package by Adobe called "ImageStyler."  I've
never used the mouseover feature but apparently it does a pretty good job of

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