Re: Jami's image problem

by "M Carr" <m.a.carr(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 24 Jul 2001 12:33:02 -0400
 To:  "Susan Sawatzky" <Susan(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm with Susan. Enough about this already.

There is no way anyone is going to convince Jami/Dusty that there could be a
problem with the monitor, or even something as minor as gamma settings. We
covered it all. And then covered it again, and again.

This thread has had at least four different subjects, at least that is how
many filters I've set to try to not hear about this any more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Sawatzky <Susan(at)>
To: 'hwg-graphics(at)' <hwg-graphics(at)>
Date: July 24, 2001 11:59 AM
Subject: RE: Jami's image problem

:Is this enough on this problem yet?
:susan sawatzky
:communications specialist
:nevada association of realtors
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:Register on line NOW! -
:-----Original Message-----
:From: Jim O'Brien [mailto:JObrien(at)]
:Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:14 AM
:To: 'Jami'; 'jsylvia90(at)'
:Cc: 'hwg-graphics(at)'
:Subject: RE: Jami's image problem
:Your welcome and as I said I'm sorry I couldn't offer more...
:Let me close on the subject with this...
:It definitely sounds monitor related.  AND I completely agree that we need
:to view/test with our users "eyes" when we can.  AND I can see why we would
:want to use systems/set-ups similar to those of our users.  But let's
:separate the two things going on here:
:1) If we are serious about doing graphics, then we need the best equipment
:possible in order to see obvious things like hair color, etc.  ;)  And if
:are going to do graphics seriously and as part of our job/profession, then
:we are needing and expected to have high-end equipment to be able to
:accomplish those jobs as best as possible.
:2) For the sake of keeping our viewers/users happy, we should have and
:maintain a system/area whereby we can test for user cases and see what they
:see.  This most likely will not be the same system we design on because we
:will/should be using the best equipment.  If you produce the best images
:possible, then maybe your users won't be able to see it due to their
:particular system; but your work will still be done right and as it should
:be.  (Hence, this is why designers, such as myself, have multiple versions
:of the different browsers on their machines.  I only prefer one current
:browser, but I know that I have to "look good" on as many as possible.)
:Ultimately, our product(s) are only as good as our talent, software and
:hardware will produce.
:thanks again,
:-- "the Design Guy"
:-----Original Message-----
:From: Jami [mailto:designsbydusty(at)]
:Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 09:51
:To: Jacqueline Sylvia; JObrien(at); hwg-graphics(at)
:Subject: Re: Jami's image problem
:First of all, I want to thank everyone for their help in this matter. I
:read all suggestions and tried to act on as many of them as possible. A
:point is raised here, however. As good a system as we have, not everyone
:views our images will have the same advantages. I, too, like to view my
:websites on as many different computers as possible, and get input from a
:number of people on them. I guess that is why I've been so concerned about
:getting to the bottom of this problem.......not to correct MY situation,
:to ensure that any images I create in the future are not received in the
:same way by site visitors. I guess there's no way to circumvent every
:problem, but I would like to think that I am giving the optimal product
:----- Original Message -----
:From: "Jacqueline Sylvia" <jsylvia90(at)>
:To: <JObrien(at)>; <designsbydusty(at)>;
:Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:50 PM
:Subject: Re: Jami's image problem
:> Hi All,
:> Actually, Jim's point about graphic people never cutting corners is a
:> one.  However, I have a different spin on that.  I am hesitant to upgrade
:> much, because I would rather see my graphics as a client would with a
:> standard monitor.  Of course, I check my work on as many monitors as I
:> find!
:> Have a great week.
:> Jacqueline Sylvia
:> From: "Jim O'Brien" <JObrien(at)>
:> To: "'designsbydusty(at)'" <designsbydusty(at)>,
:> "'hwg-graphics(at)'" <hwg-graphics(at)>
:> Subject: Jami's image problem
:> Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 07:47:42 -0400
:> Jami, I finally followed some of the original threads and went to look at
:> the image.  There are two distinct hair colors shown.  Your black
:> airbrushing job is very apparent.
:> At this point, I do not know what to tell you.  The image is as the image
:> is.  Since you are not able to see the image correctly before you save it
:> your machine and open it there, there is something either in your monitor
:> your video card (if I had to guess) that is conflicting.  If all of your
:> resolution settings, etc. are as you say they are, then I'm stumped.
:> probably a simple solution but now at least I know it's not the image
:> itself.  I would say it's the monitor.
:> If others are seeing it as you are, then that indicates that they too
:> similar problem and still I would have a tendency to say that it's either
:> their monitor and/or video card.  Even if it is a "newer" or "up-to-date"
:> system, there could still be issues.  A lower-end monitor may definitely
:> cause issues and basic machines/set-ups do NOT usually come with high-end
:> monitors.  That's why graphics people never cut corners when purchasing
:> their monitors.  ;)
:> I'm sorry I could not be more help to you.  I hope that we'll be able to
:> help with the next issue you have.
:> -- "the Design Guy"
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