Re: lines and bars

by lonna(at) (Lonna Poland)

 Date:  Thu, 8 Oct 1998 13:30:03 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I've been trying to go through and learn tutorials for both Photoshop 5 and
Paintshop Pro 4.  One thing I haven't found tutorials on is how to make bars
and lines with rounded ends.  Is there a plugin somewhere that will do this,
or am I stuck with trying to round the ends out by hand?  I have even tried
bringing up a rounded line and "select all" to fill with my chosen color,
but this just fills as a rectangle on the ends.  I have tried using the
round selection tool but that doesn't work either, as when I pull it the
length of the bar, it gets pointed on the ends.  Any help on this would be

Also, I'm trying to find or make the shape of an arrow (perhaps in
wingdings, but I don't know which keyboard letter will equal the arrow), to
make my own back and next arrows in different colors.


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