Re: Pictures

by "Ramon Bartschat" <bartschat(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 11 Jun 1999 15:19:29 +0200
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>A couple online sources of digital stock photos:

Does anyone have experience with buying digital images from Corbis?

They have a Royalty Free section and each image costs $20 in the lowest
resolution to download and you can do almost whatever you want with it.
I have been reading their help files and they also offer complete CDs with
100 images in different resolutions. The pictures are always of a particular
topic if I understood it right. (ca. $140 for a CD)

My question is:
Can I choose what images go on the CD? Do they specially burn it for me (the
CD)? Or is it a "off the shelf" CD I would get? (With lots of images I don't
want or need)

Since I am making this site for Universities Admission I'd like to advise my
client to buy a compleye CD with graduates and students images I can
incorporate not only in my clients site but also make banners out of them.

Please share your experience with me. (They have a 1800 number for questions
like that but I am not in America)



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