Re: A question about Corel:

by "Ramon Bartschat" <bartschat(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:07:43 +0200
 To:  "Html Writers Guild Graphics Discussion Group" <hwg-graphics(at)>,
"Antonio Roji" <aroh99(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I have never been a good artist, so for the times that I had needed
>graphics, I had get them from other people drawings, but now I want to
>create my own images, but the only program I now to use is Corel
>but after a while I have discovered that in no place I have read nothing
>about Corel and the web, so can anyone tell me why? Is there any problem
>with Corel?


I placed exactly the same question once.
The problem is that PhotoShop was first and you can find really a lot on
PhotoShop on the web.
But there are also lots of Corel Stuff on the Internet but you have to know
where to find it.
BTW Corel Photopaint is a world class graphical program. Quite excellent I'd

Now about sites:
>From the creators of the "Corel Draw the Official Guide" books
They have lots of tutorials (even some I wrote :-) ) published on the site.
They also have a Corel e-mail newsletter that you should subsribe to. Watch
out for details at their site.
To be added, visit .
Read the newsletter online at
Official Corel Site
They have a new section with lots of tutorials and goodies. (I don't recall
the exact name or URL but it is on their site)
Corel Magazine
(I got a 3 month free password to the magazine somewhere on the official
Corel Site)
Corel Draw User Group
They also have a very good Corel e-mail discussion list.
Just mail an empty message to help(at) to receve full instructions.
Home of the CorelWORLD Letter.
I quote: "This monthly newsletter is:  1) Free;  2) Independent -- we have
no official ties with Corel Corp"
This site is created by Alex Vakulenko who now works for Corel.
He has lots of CorelDraw utilities, scripts at his site.
Corel Users Association
A site which I don't know if it still exists but it had good tutorials for
Photopaint 7 and 8

There is more to it, this are just the sites I remember immediately

Have fun


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