Re: Probably a really dumb question for the Photoshop gurus

by "Abhay S. Kushwaha" <abhay(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 16 Oct 1999 12:04:54 +0530
 To:  "Graphics [HWG]" <hwg-graphics(at)>
 References:  sqlman
  todo: View Thread, Original
You will obviously use the Elliptical Marquee tool in this case. When
you are dragging around your selection, press Shift. This will create
a perfect cirle.

I prefer to fix up the center of the circle using Guides. (Make your
rules visible from "View -> Show Rulers" if they're not visible and
drag in two to intersect at the center of your soon-to-be-drawn
circle). Then I draw inside-to-outside by clicking on the center and
dragging out while pressing the ALT (pc)/Opt (mac) key. If I press
Shift + Alt/Opt while I'm dragging, I get a perfect circle being drawn
out from the center. (Helps when I want to draw a few spaced out
circles with a common center).

Method #1 : The qwik & dirty way
 o  Make your 'fill' colour to be your foreground colour.
 o  Make the selection of the size you want.
 o  Edit -> Stroke...
     -  Specify the width
     -  Specify the relative location
     -  Click Ok
 o  Repeat last two steps as many times you want to.
 o  Do the bonga.

Method #2 : The 'other' way
 o  Make your 'fill' colour to be your foreground colour.
 o  Make the outermost circle using the Elliptical Marquee.
 o  Fill it up. Alt+Del (PC) or Opt+Del (Mac)
 o  Select -> Modify -> Contract...
     -  Fill in the width of the circle
     -  Click OK
 o  Del
 o  Select -> Modify -> Contract...
     -  Fill in the "white space" width
     -  Click OK
 o  Repeat Step 3 - 7 till you want or get tired.
 o  Do the Konga.

Method #3 : The 'oh no!' way
 Note: This is best when you need your circles to be wider
       than 16 pixels.
 o  Make your 'fill' colour to be your foreground colour.
 o  Draw the inner circle using the Elliptical Marquee.
 o  Select -> Save Selection...
     -  Destination: Current document, New Channel.
        Also, give it a name. Eg: SC
     -  Operation: New Channel
     -  Click OK
 o  Draw the outer circle using the Elliptical Marquee.
 o  Select -> Load Selection...
     -  Source: Current document, Saved channel (eg: SC)
     -  Operation: Subtract from selection.
     -  Click OK
 o  Fill it up. Alt+Del (PC) or Opt+Del (Mac)
 o  Repeat Step 2-6 for repeat performances
 o  Ride the Tonga.


----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Grenier <tom(at)>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 1999 2:20 AM

> I've recently moved from Paint Shop Pro to Photoshop 5.5.
> What I  want to do (in part) is to draw a series a concentric
> circles (like a bulls eye target) with the circles 1 or 2
> pixels thick. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to do
> this in Photoshop.
> Can this be done in Photoshop? I've tried help and searched all
> the menus and can find nothing on drawing geometric shapes.

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