hwg-graphics archives | Apr 1999 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: dual processor questionby "Phil Yardley" <phil.yardley(at)p-inet.co.uk> |
Unfortunatley, Bryce 3D does not take advantage of dual processors. Even NT is not true multi-processor (it cheats by distributing whole programs to a single processor - as opposed to both processors working on the same program - if it was the latter.... most programs would be quicker) True multi-processor tech is VERY expensive and a nightmare to write software for .. (look how expensive CRAY systems are!) If you need high end processing my recomendation (as a former PC manufacturer) would be to go for 3 things: 1) MHz - get the fastest single cpu solution you can afford (1GHz by end of this year according to Intel) 2) RAM - as much as you can afford 3) More RAM ! ! Phil Yardley www.p-inet.co.uk -----Original Message----- From: corey Playmore <blckhrt_panther(at)yahoo.com> To: hwg-graphics(at)mail.hwg.org <hwg-graphics(at)mail.hwg.org> Date: 06 April 1999 22:12 Subject: dual processor question >can bryce (or any 3d progs at that) >use the dual processor effieciently? >or better asked: >is there a way for programs to tell if there is >a dual processor, >or is that based upon the os. >(the operating system myght be able >to use the dual processors but can the programs?) > >after all if u have a dual pc and the prog is >only designed for one processor arent u just wasting money on the dual >pc? > >any insight is a appreciated. >thanx in advance of course >_________________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Get your free (at)yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com >
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