Re: Ulead SmartSaver

by simone(at) (Demitrius)

 Date:  Fri, 9 Jan 1998 22:28:58 -0800
 To:  <dflem(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

> I've just purchased SmartSaver from Ulead, a program designed to
>the memory size of .gif .jpg and .png files.On checking the
>information afterwards through Windows Explorer in Windows 95 I found that
>the images I used were either the same size as the original or even larger.

I use Smart Saver and get great results with it! Real small file sizes.
Here's what I do:

It begins with saving the GIF file with a minimum number of colors in your
image editor. This step is very important.

Now open the file in Smart Saver.
After you click the Start button click the Color Reduction tab.
In the Colors section, do some experimenting with the number of colors.
I always begin by reducing the number of colors in half.
Trial and error will determine just how far you can reduce the colors.

Typically, I can reduce my GIF file images 40% even after using the minimum
number of colors in my image editor, Image Composer.

Hope this helps.

Demitrius >I<
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