Re: Re:Gif images

by simone(at) (Demitrius)

 Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 1998 00:21:48 -0800
 To:  "Dusty" <dustycr(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Dusty,

>I am a newbie, <snip>, can anyone tell me where I can get info on how to
make a
>gif image move when clicked on?

It's called a MouseOver and it can be done in several ways.

It can be done with a Java Applet. This is simple to do, but doesn't work in
all browsers, particularly if it's a slow 486-386 CPU with low ram (8 meg or
less). Also, I've read that some corporate firewalls forbid Java Apps from
passing though although I do not have any personal experience with this. And
they can be slow to load as well.

for some great Java Applets to do this.

Another way to accomplish a MouseOver is with JavaScript. (Java and
JavaScript are not the same thing!) The HTML code for a JS MouseOver may
seem intimidating at first, but with a little time it becomes real simple.
For a good tutorial on this visit:
and click on the Javascript button.

Now to complicate this even more, there are two ways to do a JS MO. Because
not all browsers interpret JS and because Netscape and Internet Explorer
interpret JS differently, you have to allow for this in one of two ways;
either with a "browser sniffer" script which determines what kind of browser
is requesting the page or a "document.images" script which doesn't care what
kind of browser is requesting the page, it only cares if the browser can
interpret document.images.

I prefer the document.images method because it's much simpler, cleaner and
won't become obsolete when NSN 5.0 and MSIE 5.0 come out whenever.

for a good tutorial about this.

Hope this helps.

- Demitrius >I<
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