Re: Java Script For Dummies

by "Tony Powell" <tony.powell(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 29 Jan 1998 08:42:49 -0600
 To:  "Randy Lewis" <randy(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
I just bought this book (unashamed, I strode to the checkout, deflecting the
snorts of disdain from the Dr. Dobbs crowd), and it is fairly helpful.
Eventually, though, I think the publishers of this "Dummies" series are
going to reach a limit; there is only so far a dummy can go, after all.
"Javascript for Dummies" is close to this limit.  It starts out with an
excruciatingly basic (and multi-paged) introduction to the web and why you
might want to have access to it, and what a browser is...but when the
Javascript kicks in, it's Katie bar the door.  I've found (with my small,
small brain) that I have to re-read passages over and over until they sink

Another consideration might be: this book is old.  The author touts Netscape
2.0 as being "the browser of choice."   This doesn't really matter as far as
the nuts and bolts of Javascript are concerned, but it annoys me,

You might find helpful.  This sight has beautifully done
tutorials (the tutorial IS the example.  Pretty clever.)  Also, is handy.

>Does anyone have experience with 'Java Script For Dummies'?

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