Re: graphics, interlaced or non?

by simone(at) (Demitrius)

 Date:  Fri, 13 Feb 1998 08:50:31 -0800
 To:  "Kristy McCarthy" <kamee(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Kristy,

>Can anyone tell me briefly what is the difference between interlaced and
>non-interlaced graphics?  also which is better?

Interlaced GIF:
A GIF image that is gradually displayed in a Web browser, showing increasing
detailed versions of the entire image until all of the data has finished

Here's an example:
Notice how the entire graphic displays quickly in a very digitized form and
then gets clearer with every pass. Note, an interlaced graphic does not load
any quicker than a non interlaced, it just "seems like it" to some people.

Your image editor can specify interlacing.

Demitrius >I<
------------------------------------------------A. Demitrius Lopez
       W  E  B  S  I  T  E     D  E  V  E  L  O  P  E  R

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