Re: Replacing text links with an image map?

by "Erman Peremeci" <ermanp(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 17 Oct 1998 12:16:58 +0300
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>,
"Ira Krakow" <krakowi(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I think putting so much link to an imagemap wouldn't be very economical.
However "Domestic Electronics" part is too long and really hard to follow.

In my opinion you should have sub-categories such as equipments by marks or
marks by equipments. Another idea would be to put logos (such as Kenwood,
Sharp, Aiwa etc...) and making a javascript onMouseOver routine that turns
logos into products list of that mark.

By the way your e-mail graphic is 20K and not worth of it.

e r m a n
      P E R E M E C I

-----Original Message-----
From: Ira Krakow <krakowi(at)>
To: hwg-graphics(at) <hwg-graphics(at)>
Date: 17 Ekim 1998 Cumartesi 09:18
Subject: Replacing text links with an image map?

>Hello all!
>I'm the Webmaster at:
>a company that specializes in consumer electronics.  Right now, my home
>page consists of organized text links.
>I'm thinking of converting the home page to an image map, where the user
>can click on a particular section
>(calculators, camcorders, surveillance equipment, etc.) with appropriate
>pictures.  I was considering also
>keeping the text links within the pictures.  Another alternative would be
>that when the user clicks inside
>the picture, another image map with more specific links displays.  This
>could also be overkill :).
>Is this worth doing?  How large can the image map be before it slows down
>my home page loading?  Should I
>save it as a gif or a jpeg?
>I welcome all comments and critiques, as well as links to sites that do
>this effectively.  Thanks.

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