Re: Pop-up messages

by "Cindy Stanley" <stanleysupport(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 24 Feb 1999 22:58:53 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Esling <esling(at)> wrote:
>>I've noticed a few sites recently that when you hover over a grahic or
>>link a little pop-up box appears with an explatory text in it and was
>>wondering how this is done. I know that this is similar to much of the
>>recent discussion on mouse rollovers. However the difference here is
>>the pop-up box appears to be above and to the side of the object or
>>of the mouseover whereas the normal one is limited by the size of the
>>original graphic so that everything else produced by the mouseover is
>>same size - ok if you are doing "moving" buttons.

From: Starr Wolf <starrwolf(at)>
>These "messages in a box" (as opposed to the new hit movie "Message in
>Bottle" .. <smile>) are known as "Alternate Text Descriptions".
Whenever you
>place an image into your HTML code you should always include the size
>dimensions as well as the "alt" description. It is basically used to
>describe the type of image as an "alternative" to loading and viewing
>image. If a viewer were to browser the page with images turned "off"
>"alt" text would tell the viewer what type of image is present.

I believe the original query was in reference to more than just the alt
attribute of an image. It was in reference to not only graphics, but
*links*, giving me the impression, they were in search of a *tooltip*:

"hover over a graphic or a link"

This can be done with DHTML, which is only supported by generation 4
browsers. A resource for one example of this coding is available at:

There are others there that are similar to the above.

Cindy K. Stanley
Stanley Support Service

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