hwg-graphics archives | Aug 1999 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: undelivered mailby "Cindy Stanley" <stanleysupport(at)prodigy.net> |
From: Heather Peel <heather(at)thenetnow.com> >Your message could not be delivered to some or all of its recipients. >The problem is: "Address not found in table or nameserver" > >If you have problems locating your addressee, try using Finger >to the host (at)www4.huji.ac.il with the name of the user you are looking for. >----------------------------------------------------------------------- > >I got the exact same mail you did Cindy, after I replied to your post on >hwg-graphics list > >Heather Apparently someone on the Graphics list is using a phoney email address. I imagine this will continue on and on and on. Can the list guide bring this to the attention of the person that can't research and fix this? Thanks, Cindy
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