Re: How to create a pressed button PSP6

by "Comharsa" <comharsa(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 17 Jun 2000 00:40:11 +0100
 To:  <tjtmd(at)>,
 References:  attglobal
  todo: View Thread, Original
From: "Tanya" <tjtmd(at)>
> I want to create a button that appears pushed in. I cannot find a way to
> do so in PSP 6
> Thank you in advance!

The way this is done in most graphics packages is by creating the up button
with an inner bevel effect with the light appearing to come from the top
left (this is available in PSP6). Create the down button from the same
starting point (circle, rectangle, whatever) but when you apply the inner
bevel have the light coming from the bottom right. You can also slightly
darken the image to make it look as though it is in shadow.

There are more complex ways but this one is quite common.



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