Re: Graphics Organization

by webmaster(at)

 Date:  Tue, 18 May 1999 21:54:44 -0400 (EDT)
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I'm not sure how everyone else does it, but I set up my files with the
>exact same directory structure as the sites I design (html, graphics,
>cgi, etc.).  This way they are easier to upload and/or download
>(graphics and all).  I also have a couple of miscellaneous files for
>various graphics.
>Keith D. Sellars
>email: Keith(at)

I, too, keep my directory structure both in terms of names and content the
same as the server directory structure. I view it as an orange to orange
sort of thing. Older graphics or .htm(l) files are kept in a subdirectory
named storage. In other words, the active directory represents what would be
the active server directory were the site on line. That way, I have no
confusion when I FTP. Oranges to oranges... 

As to sequential files be they graphic or html, I use a graphic1, graphic2
hierarchy. If the changes are minute, I use a ...1a, or ...2a type name.
Headers are often named header in my scheme. Other obvious 'uses' are named
that way too. What's important to me is that I understand my sequence. When
it is necessary for me to revisit a site after months away, my familiar,
constant methodology allows me to pick up as if I just left the design
process only yesterday. In other words, whatever you do, be consistent.
That's my 2. Rich

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