Re: Digital Camera Pictures

by Drewsey <Drewsey(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:20:49 EST
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have the Yashica KC600 digital camera and it is fabulous!  After I download
the photos into Photoshop, I save them as JPG's and the file size is normal.
There is a setting for taking close-ups too.  I haven't used the close up
feature much but the demonstration in the store looked good.
	Some examples of photos I've taken with it can be found at:
	All these photos were taken at the MEDIUM quality setting.  The FINE setting
is much clearer.  Check out the camera online at:


In a message dated 1/17/98 11:10:34 PM, TSAntiques(at) wrote:

>I hope this is the correct list to address this question.  I currently
>have a digital Kodal DC20 camera for taking pictures for our web site.
>The file size is very large, and even after compressing with ULead's
>Jpeg Saver, they are still fairly sizable.  I am ready to upgrade to a
>new camera and wondered two things:
>1.  Have they advanced this processing enough that a new camera can take
>smaller file size pics?
>2.  Is there a digital that will take high quality close-up photos?
>If this is the incorrect list to address these questions, please
>advise.  Thanks!
>Tri-State Antiques

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