Re: transparency?

by "T. L." <tl(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:00:47 -0500
 To:  hwg-graphics(at),
Alexandra Hartman <allie(at)>
 References:  ptd
  todo: View Thread, Original

This is what I do in Photoshop to make the images as transparent as
possible.  If someone else has a better technique please enlighten me.
First I take the image and switch it to Index Color in the Image/Mode
menu.  Then I go to GIF89a export.  This will allow you to pick which
color you want to make transparent using the dropper.  You usually
have to pick more than one color, for example....if the color you want
to be transparent is white, you select the main shade of white.  But
there are shades of white which are slightly different (lighter and
darker) and I usually select those to be transparent also if they
don't play any role in the image.  Play around with this option should
be successful.  This is my only technique of transparency in Photoshop
so like I said, if someone else has a better technique please share.


Saturday, 27 June 98, you wrote:

AH> In Photoshop I make images transparent by selecting them, pasting them into
AH> a new file with a transparent background and doing a GIF89a export. As far
AH> as I know, I do it the same way every time.  

AH> My web page background is white. Some of my images are transparent against
AH> this white background. But others have backgrounds that show slightly, in a
AH> different shade of white, or a darker shade of any other color I put them
AH> against. 

AH> What am I doing wrong?

AH> Thanks, Allie
Saturday, 27 June 98, you wrote:

AH> In Photoshop I make images transparent by selecting them, pasting them into
AH> a new file with a transparent background and doing a GIF89a export. As far
AH> as I know, I do it the same way every time.  

AH> My web page background is white. Some of my images are transparent against
AH> this white background. But others have backgrounds that show slightly, in a
AH> different shade of white, or a darker shade of any other color I put them
AH> against. 

AH> What am I doing wrong?

AH> Thanks, Allie

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