Re: screen capture

by Luke Opperman <luko(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 9 Nov 1998 15:19:29 -0800 (PST)
 To:  S Chouinard <susan(at)>,
hwg-graphics <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Dont think so, unless you have a 300dpi monitor :) You are
limited by the resolution of what you are capturing, and
screen resolutions are typically 72 dpi or 96 dpi.

That said, you should be able to capture, say a 4in by 4in
section of the screen, then save it as a 1x1in image, that
smaller print size image would have a higher resolution.

Good luck,


(I'm no expert, someone out there can correct me if i'm
wrong. And then my knowledge will increase, and soon i
will be an expert and WORLD DOMINATION IS MINE!!!

oh. sorry.)

---S Chouinard <susan(at)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to do screen captures for a color brochure I'm
designing for
> advertising my web development business. I tried a Print
Screen to the
> clipboard, but the resolution is really bad. Is there
something I can use to
> accomplish this at a higher resolution (300 ppi)?
> Thanks,
> Susan


                - ( luke opperman ) -
     Spigot Graphics, Cohesive Design for the Web
          - ( ) -  

-- ..some tiny cows, two brushstrokes each,
       but confidently cows.. - 'Poem' by Elizabeth Bishop


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