Re: fading into black

by Coolmelon3 <Coolmelon3(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 17 Jan 1998 03:00:05 EST
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

<< 've been working on a site with a black background, with various
 colored type as art. When I save these as gifs, it seems that I lose
 some of the 'brightness' of the type, and it kinda fades into black.

I've read a couple of the other graphic solutions and I want to know how they

In my understanding of color relationships if you take two equal size squares,
one white & one black. Place the white square on a black background it will
"look" smaller and less bright then it did before. Place the black square on a
white background and it "looks" larger then the white square and the white
background becomes subdued a little. 

On my bookshelf I have two books on color right beside all my other book on
computers  and design books. "The Elements of Color" by Jonah's Itten, edited
by Faber Birren & "Color Harmony" by Hideaki Chijiiwa.

Hope this helps,

Kord Nelson

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