Re: Photoshop questions...

by Bob McClelland <moonraker(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 23 Mar 1998 20:28:24 +0000
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 17:35 22/03/98 -0500, Jay wrote:
>I'd like an example and a little info on how you did it if possible.  Thanks
Have a look at 

and you will see two .gif files displayed. Although they are reasonably
sized 754 by 183) they are only 5-6K. 

I made them by going into WP7, using its textart feature then, instead of
saving in the normal way, I used 'PUBLISH AS HTML' - this generates a file
called filename.html and a directory called filename.htg. This latter
contains img.gif and img1.gif.

I extract the gif files, delete the other stuff and then use the gif as
normal. I will often put the gifs in my normal graphics program to resize
etc, but in this case I have left them untouched, exactly as WP7 created
them. I will leave them there for a week, so if you want to download them
to experiment, feel free.

Hope this helps,

BOB (McClelland)
Cornwall ENGLAND

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