Re: another Background Question

by Kevin Dyck <kdyck(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 31 Mar 1998 07:56:15 -0800
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  AC
  todo: View Thread, Original

There are three problems with using a 600 x 800 background:
1. download size will be big, especially if you are using a gradient
2. many people use screen settings that are larger or smaller than 600 x
800, so it will appear incorrectly for them
3. the file size is the _compressed_ size - when the browser reads and
displays it the file is expanded into memory to a much larger size which
could put a big strain on the users system. For example, a 600 x 800 single
color GIF is only 2K, but it's size in memory is 1,407K. For users with low
memory systems (and there's a lot of them) this is a big problem.

Hope this helps.

>I have designed a tile for a background.
>I not only want the tile but also band down the left hand side of the 
>screen that fades with a gradient into the rest of the screen. 
>Can I only do this by making the background one big image 600x800?

Kevin Dyck				
S T Y L U S   C R E A T I V E - Website Design
   e-mail: kdyck(at)
   phone: (604)687-8532

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