Photoshop is crud!

by Bob McClelland <moonraker(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:16:44 +0100
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  erols
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 20:40 22/04/98 -0400, Greg wrote:
>I know I'll hear it for this, but I started out with Corel DRAW, Photopaint
>and Paintshop Pro, but traded up to PhotoShop as soon as I could.  It beats
>them by a mile.
Well Greg, I think it depends what you are doing. There is little doubt
that Photoshop is the most POWERFUL package, but that doesn't make it the
best if your needs are fairly simple. It is also the most awkward package
to use, and needlessly so. Most operations are tedious where cheaper
software offers the same facilities at the touch of a button. It is not
customisable in any way, and if you want to print out your graphic you can
forget it because it effectively doesn't have a workable printing option.
For a program of this stature, this is inexcusable!

Buyers beware - there is a lot of hype about Photoshop. It is basically a
daft program which happens to be the only one which does certain things, so
has become the 'leader'.

BTW, I use PSP 4.12 and Photoshop 4.0 where I have to, but my favourite
program is still Aldus Photostyler, even though its only 16 bit and out of

Just my twopenneth!

BOB (McClelland)
Cornwall ENGLAND

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