Re: Mouse-over with image changes

by Michael Jon Muehlendorf <haoka(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 20 Jul 2000 17:05:07 -0500
 To:  "Write Now,
Inc." <writer(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hello Dana!

I believe what you are looking for is a mouseover with an image flip, plus
another independent image flip. You can get the raw code for it at the
following URL, but you will have to re-construct the table(s) to get the
exact layout that you want. The user interface is pretty
straightforward...just look it all over before you start, get all of your
image file names ready, and go to it. Here ya go, and good luck!




At 02:47 PM 7/20/00 -0400, Write Now, Inc. wrote:
>I hope this is the correct forum for this question... so here goes.
>I am trying to find a javascript for a mouseover effect that I saw
>recently, forgot to bookmark the page, and can't seem to find a script for
>What I am trying to accomplish is the following:
>On an opening page of a web site, I want to have a centered graphic that
>has menu items on either side:
>menu 1                             Menu 4
>menu 2           IMAGE        Menu 5
>menu 3                             Menu 6
>When you hold your mouse over each of the menus, I want the image in the
>center to change and I want some text to appear that explains what is found
>in this section of the web site.
>Can anyone help me find a Java script that will help me accomplish this?
>Thanks in advance. (cross-posted to basics also)
>dana b mackonis
>  writer(at)

Michael Jon Muehlendorf
email: mailto:coyote(at)

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