Web Graphics Tools/Developer Thoughts

by pstrohl(at)cybernautics.com (Philip Strohl)

 Date:  Fri, 13 Feb 1998 17:49:01 -0800
 To:  HWG-GRAPHICS(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the list and just wanted to introduce myself briefly before
firing off some questions/requests for comments.  I've primarily done
graphic design work and have recently been doing some limited work in Web

I was actually referred here by some folks on the ADV-HTML list for further
discussion about various tools and utilities for developing Web graphics--I
got some helpful info on a number of products & packages (Photoshop, of
course; Paint Shop Pro, Webtricity, DeBabelizer,
among others).

I was hoping that some of you would be able to address a follow-up to some
of my questions and impressions about Web graphics tools.  I'll be the
first to admit that I'm speaking from limited experience so let me know if
you feel differently, but it seems to me that the majority of tools for
designing Web graphics aren't really designed or optimized for Web
developers.  All the plug-ins, add-ons, utilities, etc. don't make for a
very streamlined production process or workflow.  Do any of you feel
constrained by the tools that you're working with or are you happy with
what you've got?

I look forward to your thoughts and direction.

Thanks much,

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